Water, Sanitation & Hygiene

Our Goals

WASH is very key in our quest for a more sustainable livelihood in the communities. Lately, fresh water supply has been affected by the prevailing climate change and many households in the rural communities are unable to access this resource. Access to water has a direct influence on the sanitation and hygiene of any neighborhood. We tackle these challenges through.

To achieve this, we intend to engage in

  • Water Supply

    Establishment and or expansion of water supply systems to targeted neighborhood, especially the rural and urban poor.

  • Water Conservation

    Development of alternative water sources for the communities through installation of rainwater harvesting systems and drilling of boreholes, to mitigate the challenges of access to potable water in rural households and urban settlements caused by pollution and impacts of climate change.

  • Water Treatment

    Installation of water treatment dispensers at every water collection point to mitigate waterborne diseases.

  • WASH service

    Advocate for reduction of non-revenue water losses and informing the poor in urban slums on their right to WASH services, while also sensitizing them on their responsibility in the management of public water infrastructure

  • Sanitization

    Supporting the building of public toilets/latrines in market place, and other public areas.

Our Goals for 2030

Access to water has a direct influence on the sanitation and hygiene of any neighborhood

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